Start out lighter and add weight to increase challenge.
Get all the reps in cleanly, using proper form, drop down weight as needed.
It's not about the weight, its about the movement, time under tension and mind-muscle connection.
Rest 30-60 seconds between sets. 2-3 minutes on heavy lifts.
Full body stretch after every workout (each muscle group 30 sec.).
DB Rows 3x12
Tricep Ext Pushdown 3x12
EZ Bicep Curl 3x15
Skull Crushers (EZ Bar) 3x15
Single Arm Cross Body Hammer Curl 3x15
Lat Pulls 3x15 – Use overhand grip, lean back slightly. Go lighter so you can get smooth movements and concentrate on driving elbows down and back to engage lats more than biceps.
Seated Incline Overhead Press 3x15
Sit Ups 3x30 – mix in twists, hang raise, crunches, hip lifts, roll outs, mountain climbers, etc, for variety of movement and muscles used.
Squats 5x5 80% ORM – Shoes off, 2 light warm up sets, smooth movement, concentrate on keeping hips open, knees even, solid stance.
Leg Press 3x20 – Feet together, challenging weight to failure every set. drop the weight to get the reps in.
Leg Extension 3x20 – At the top hold to contraction for a 3 count, challenging weight to failure every set. drop the weight to get the reps in.
Romanian Dead Lift 3x20 – Only come up 3/4 to keep it in your hamstrings, challenging weight to failure every set. drop the weight to get the reps in.
Seated Leg Curl 3x30 – Challenging weight to failure every set. drop the weight to get the reps in.
Step-Ups 3x15 – Lean forward to concentrate on glutes and rotate over top of your hip. Weighted or unweighted as you see fit.
Seated or Standing Calve Raise 3x20 each way – 3 WAY toes in, toes straight, toes out.
Bench Press 5x5 80% ORM – 2 light warm up sets, smooth movement, concentrate on keeping shoulders tight, shoulder blades together, don't wing elbows out.
High Cable Fly 3x15
Single Arm Incline Press 3x10
Low Cable Fly 3x15
Front Raise 3x15
Sit Ups 3x30 – mix in twists, hang raise, crunches, hip lifts, roll outs, mountain climbers, etc, for variety of movement and muscles used.
THURSDAY : Shoulders/Posterior Chain
Pull Ups 3x as many reps as you can do in good form.
Seated Cable Row 4x8 – Go heavy with smooth movements. No jerking. Keep chest up. and back straight. Concentrate on bringing elbows back and squeezing shoulder blades together.
Lateral Delt Raise 3x15
Rear Delt Fly 3x15
Single Leg Good Mornings 3x15 – Bodyweight, add weight as needed using two light dumbbells. Hinge at hip. Avoid swinging your leg for momentum.
Shrugs 4x15 – Lean forward slightly, bring shoulders to ears. Mix it up by going heavy with fewer reps or lighter until failure.
Farmers Carry 4x20 steps – Use heavy dumbbells that are challenging without compromising your form. Walk 20 steps with DBs at your side, shoulders down and back. Don't lean forward or hunch. Do keep core engaged. Alternatives include: single dumbbell carries or stand and hold for time 30 sec minimum.
Trap Bar Deadlift 5x5 80% ORM – Watch
Squat Pulse High Knee Jump 3x10 – Watch
Bulgarian Split Squat 3x10 – Watch
Ham Curls 3x10
Swiss Ball Curls 3x15 – Watch Once the double legs are not a challenge, switch to single leg.
Seated or Standing Calve Raise 3x20 each way – 3 WAY toes in, toes straight, toes out.
Sit Ups 3x30 – mix in twists, hang raise, crunches, hip lifts, roll outs, mountain climbers, etc, for variety of movement and muscles used.
ANY DAY : Run The Rack
Alternate arms routine. Dropsets are about lots of reps (not weight) and pushing muscle to failure which stimulates hypertrophy (muscle growth/size). Start with a challenging weight but not too heavy. Perform to failure. Drop down 4 tiers or more if you are feeling ambitious. Do 1-2 rounds.
Supinated Bicep Curl
Cable Cross Body Tri Extension – Watch Use a handle.
Front Delt Raise
Cable Straight Arm Pull – Watch
Lateral Delt Raise
Cable Chest Fly
Rear Delt Fly
ANY DAY : Hit It All
Quick full body routine if you are in a crunch. Perform all exercises in a circuit without rest = 1 set. Rest 2 -3 minutes between sets. 5x15
Gobblet Squat
Incline Bench Press – Bench at 45º or greater
Kneeling Shovel Curl
ANY DAY : Tabata
Add this metabolic routine as a workout on short days or rest days. Or add it to the end of a workout for a quick cardio session. Go all out for 1 minute. Rest 30 seconds. Mix and match 3 exercises for 3 or more rounds.
Jump Rope
Air Squats
Step Ups or Box Jumps
High Knee Jumps
Standing Long Jumps – Watch
Heavy Bag – Jab, Jab, Cross
Assault Bike
ANY DAY : Heavy Bag HIIT
30 Minute Heavy Bag Boxing HIIT – Watch